Said Didu

MNCs in the News-2015-10-23

China announces plan to role out a Negative List in various regions over the next two years. Apple powers up its renewable energy initiatives in China. GlaxoSmithKline CEO Andrew Witty tells official Chinese media that his company has put in place systems to ensure no bribes are paid to doctors. Xi Jinping’s visit to the U.K. leads to promise of massive Chinese investment in the Hinkley nuclear power plant. Alibaba reaches out to U.S. Trade Representative Office to highlight its efforts to fight the sale of counterfeit goods on its websites. Indonesia expresses confidence that realized investment for 2015 will exceed government goals. Falling investment in labor intensive sectors in Indonesian prompts investment authorities to press government to liberalize tax allowance policies. Thai firms, including medium-sized enterprises, increasingly engage in outward investment, especially in neighboring countries. Malaysian MPs call for legislation similar to Singapore’s that would allow for the government to punish companies associated with massively polluting Indonesia forest fires