The Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Wong Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations ("Wong MNC Center"), an independent California-based, non-profit think tank, is dedicated to the study of multinational corporations (MNCs) and foreign direct investment (FDI) in and from East Asia. Focusing on the political and economic aspects of MNCs/FDI, the Wong MNC Center provides insights that are timely and relevant and prepared with academic rigor while remaining accessible and meaningful to businesspeople and policymakers in both substance and form. The knowledge the Wong MNC Center creates, directly or indirectly, can enhance business and government awareness and facilitate decision making and inform academic debates. The Wong MNC Center is an apolitical, non-partisan research center and does not advocate any particular ideological perspective or approach towards the study of MNCs/FDI. Our motto is "first rate analysis rather than first to the gate analysis."