MNCs in the News-2017-01-13

China’s inward foreign direct investment (FDI) increases moderately over 2015, with a major proportion going into the service sector. Chinese outward FDI (OFDI) soared in 2016, hitting new records, with Europe, above all, Germany a key destination. Jack Ma meets with US President-elect Trump and touts Alibaba’s potential to create one million jobs. Takata pleads guilty to one criminal charge and will pay USD $1 billion in fines in conjunction with falsifying test data about its faulty airbags. Honda will invest USD $372 million in an existing facility in Ontario, Canada. Japanese energy producer JX Nippon Oil & Gas and NRG Energy Inc. complete the world’s biggest carbon capture system in Texas. Apparently prodded by Trump’s protectionist rhetoric, Samsung Electronics will build its first home appliance plant in the US. Indonesia modifies it mineral export ban policy because of its challenging economic growth situation. Indonesia and Japan will discuss business and investment cooperation during a visit by Japanese Prime Minister and during post-visit meetings between Indonesia’s President and a large delegation of Japanese CEOs