Executive Director Jean-Marc F. Blanchard Meets with Director of the Institute of Security and International Studies Dr. Pongphisoot Busbarat at Chulalongkorn University
On October 12, 2024, Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard, Founding Executive Director of the Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Wong Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations (Wong MNC Center), met with Professor Pongphisoot Busbarat, Assistant Dean & Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Political Science, and Director of the Institute of Security and International Studies, both at Chulalongkorn University (Thailand). Among other topics, they discussed Thai-China economic and political relations and their prospects, the contemporary state and effect of Chinese investment and contracting in Thailand, the research emphases of Professor Busbarat’s Department, and potential areas for future research collaboration. Dr. Blanchard presented Professor Busbarat with copies of the Wong MNC Center’s three-part series on China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative (Palgrave, 2018, 2019, and 2021).