Unfair Competition Prevention Act

MNCs in the News-2015-02-20

China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) makes it difficult for foreign IT firms to bank on IT sales in China. Apple Pay encounters business and regulatory obstacles to entering China. China State Administration of Taxation (CSAT) moves to tighten tax loopholes lead to calls for better regulatory predictability, transparency, and service. China’s anti-corruption drive pushes investors to consider the risks and offsetting measures. Japan to raise maximum fines for theft of domestic trade secrets. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) emphasizes its strong commitment to Indonesia’s infrastructure building plans. Complaints over wage practices and working conditions at its suppliers push Japanese Fast Retailing Co. to enhance supplier monitoring. US Transportation Department to fine Japan’s Takata Corp. US $14,000 per day until it fully complies with the former’s investigation into Takata’s defective air bags. The CEO of the Korean Research-based Pharma Industry Association (KRPIA) calls for Korea to reduce government involvement in medical pricing and reimbursement. PT Freeport Indonesia and Papua comes to agreement that will see the mining company build a smelter in Papua.