insurance companies

MNCs in the News-2019-07-26

China’s Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology said the relocation of foreign companies due to the United States (US)-China trade war is “limited and under control.” China opens financial sector to overseas firms while moving to minimize risks confronting the sector. US Senator Joe Manchin raises alarm about 2017 USD $83.7 billion-dollar investment deal in West Virginia. Malaysia and China agree to resume Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) project East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) following an agreement to cut the project’s cost by about one-third. Major Japanese firms sign on to 30% Club, a global initiative aiming to put more women in top leadership positions globally. US National Security Advisor John Bolton says US does not intend to mediate Japan-South Korea forced labor and trade conflict. South Korean distributors of Japanese goods in South Korea suffering from boycott. Trade conflicts around the global are driving South Korean chaebol to invest in the US to escape the problems associated with these disputes.

MNCs in the News-2019-03-29

Senior Chinese official touts that China will take a slew of measures to welcome more inward foreign direct investment (FDI). In conjunction with its talks with Washington, Beijing will accommodate some of the United States (US)’ demands to expand its financial market opening. Due to Beijing’s new round of liberalizing reforms, the CEO of Royal Dutch Shell said his company plans to expand its presence in China in the upstream and petrochemical manufacturing sectors. Brazil backs away from its criticisms of China in order to attract much needed Chinese FDI.

MNCs in the News-2018-11-23

China working to improve opportunities for foreign players in its insurance sector. Shanghai looks to improve services for foreign companies which have a major presence in the city and are a major contributor to its economic successes. European Union moves forward on inward foreign direct investment (FDI) screening mechanism that is not directed at, but has a lot to do with China. Pursuant to Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act (FIRRMA) the United States (US) Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS) will now screen much smaller deals in various sectors newly deemed critical, greatly affecting Chinese deals. Philippines’ President Rodrigo Duterte’s move towards China does not seem to have paid off in terms of increased Chinese outward FDI (OFDI) and infrastructure in the Philippines. US prosecutors investigating Mitsubishi UFJ (MUFJ) for potentially allowing North Korea to launder money. To push forward infrastructure projects, Japanese Prime Minister advisor meets with Filipino officials soon after visit of Chinese President. South Korean manufacturers turn attention from China to Vietnam which offers a better policy, tax, and labor cost environment. South Korea’s POSCO Engineering & Construction Co.-led consortium wins major power plant contract in Malaysia.