China’s State Council announces that 27 restrictions relating to foreign direct investment (FDI) in its free-trade zones have been eliminated. China’s non-financial outward FDI (OFDI) plunges by almost 53 percent for the first five months of the year year-over-year (YOY). Chinese legal experts suggest new international legal mechanisms may be needed to deal with disputes involving Chinese OFDI. China’s Huadian, a state-owned enterprises (SOE), and Russia’s TGC-2 announce nearly $600 million joint venture power project has come online. After years of decline because of political tensions Japanese companies now more willing to invest in China. Survey shows Japanese firms willing to increase investment in Thailand especially in Eastern Economic Corridor. Samsung Electronics Co. about to finalize talks on expanding its US production facilities, a move motivated by Donald Trump’s election. Jakarta promises more easing of rules to increase foreign investment. PGN, Indonesia’s National Gas company, plans to make Batam Indonesia a center of natural gas supplies and a “paradise” for energy investors. Malaysia Digital Economy Corp welcomes Japanese ICT firms to use Malaysia as a stepping-stone for entering the Southeast Asian market. Malaysia’s Construction Industry Development Board to participate in bidding process for Indian railway stations’ makeover.