
Rest of World interviews Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard, Founding Executive Director of the Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Wong Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations, regarding Microsoft China's decision to relocate a large number of employees

Rest of World interviewed Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard, Founding Executive Director of the Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Wong Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations, on July 23, 2024 regarding Microsoft’s decision to relocate a large number of employees outside of China. The story probed what had brought Microsoft to China and what was driving its decision to adjust its employment there at a time when it faced increasing Congressional pressures in the US. Viola Zhou, the author of the story, reached out to Dr. Blanchard about the factors luring Softee to China.

Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard's picture

Killing Chinese Life Sciences, Part II-Birth, Adolescence, and Adulthood

The most recent and prominent United States (US) attempt to limit cooperation with Chinese life science businesses has stalled, but is hardly dead.

Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard's picture

Killing Chinese Life Sciences, Part I: Poisoning WuXi AppTec and its Kin

In January 2024, Congressman Mike Gallagher, the Chair of the United States (US) House Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, introduced the “Biosecure Act,” which prohibits the US government (USG) from “procuring or obtaining biotechnology equipment or services produced or provided by a biotechnology company of concern,” participating in a c

Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard's picture

China and IPR, part III-Caring about Causes

In my last blog, I detailed China’s continuing shortcomings with protecting intellectual property (IP) rights (IPR) and the emergence of new challenges. The question arises as to why these problems persist even though it has been more than 20 years since China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), is a member of numerous IP-focused organizations such as the World Intellectual Property Organization, and faces constant pressure to improve its protection of foreign IP. This blog critically evaluates some of the most common explanations for this state of affairs. Such knowledge is critical for developing realistic business and policy recommendations.

Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard's picture

Circling around China’s Dual Circulation Policy, part I-Ins and Outs

In May 2020, China’s two-track “dual circulation” strategy (DSC) came to light. An internal circulation track—the “mainstay”—encompasses domestic consumption and production. An external circulation track entails more opportunities for foreign direct investment (FDI) and efforts to expand China’s external connections.

2018-10 Global Backlash Conference Offers Valuable Insights into National and Corporate Efforts to Cope with Anti-Globalization

In late October, the one-and-a-half-day Global Backlash conference, hosted by UC Berkeley and co-organized by the Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Wong Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations (Wong MNC Center), Berkeley APEC Studies Center (BASC), and Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC), took place at the University of California, Berkeley (USA).

Dr. Hwy-Chang Moon's picture

The Global Trade War and Korea’s FDI Strategy

Concerns about the possible negative impact on Korea’s economy from the global trade war, sparked by the escalation of American trade protectionism, are serious and real. However, aside from what news reports discuss as a potential threat to world trade, the most critical area that deserves our attention is foreign direct investment (FDI).