China State Council meeting decides to pursue numerous measures to increase foreign direct investment (FDI) flows as well as the realization of major FDI projects. Rising United States (US)’ tariffs are driving Asian firms to leave or contemplate departing China for other places in the region. Despite pressures, China Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) official notes Chinese outward FDI (OFDI) is to be expected and Beijing will encourage firms with ‘good reputation’ and ‘strength’ to invest. Per MOFCOM the profits of Chinese companies overseas hit USD $137.8 billion in 2017, a 52 percent jump year-over-year (YOY). The Japan Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corp. for Transport & Urban Development (JOIN) and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation will invest $300 million in the $16 billion Texas high-speed rail project. Seeing shifting trade patterns due to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the US-China trade war, Japan’s Nippon Express will seek to expand its shipments on Chinese rail companies. South Korea’s Daewoo to cooperate with state-owned Korean enterprises and other firms to bid on massive nuclear power projects in the Czech Republic and Poland. South Korea and Chile look to build up their infrastructure cooperation.