Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment

Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard's picture

The BRI is Dead? Long Live the BRI? Part IV-Bad Flail at the Rail(way) or How Not to Confront the BRI

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has generated so much commentary that it is conceivable that if one printed out all the relevant pages and laid them end-to-end the length might approach that of all the railway track laid under the aegis of the BRI![i] Further commentary seems even m

Businesses and the Risk of Taking Stock in the Infrastructure Alphabet Soup Game

At the recent Group of Seven (G-7) meeting in Germany, the attending countries put forth the “Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment” (PGII), which is a revised version of the Build Better Back World (B3W) scheme that was launched at last year’s G-7 meeting. While there was never any concrete figure attributed to B3W, the United States (US) touted B3W would catalyze “hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure investment” for developing countries.