China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) expects stable inward foreign direct investment (FDI) flows. Qualcomm taking steps to address National Development Reform Commission (NDRC) concerns, but still at risk of serious NDRC actions against it. Subway gets bitten over reports of doctored food expiration dates at a Beijing franchise. Chinese car dealer complaints to government force foreign auto companies to put on the brakes in sending cars to dealers. Facebook adjustments to user content raise questions about the company’s dealings with China. Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area connects with LinkedIn Corp. to attract talent. Japan and Thailand explore railway infrastructure cooperation. Foreign pharmaceutical firms in Korea are trying to get workers to swallow a bitter bill as they seek to downsize. Hyundai Motor wins approval from Chongqing and Changzhou to build two new car factories. Malaysia eases restrictions on Indonesian banks to further regional financial integration. Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment launches new national foreign investment information system.