intellectual property

MNCs in the News-2020 June

China Ministry of Commerce data shows respectable year-over-year inward foreign direct investment growth (FDI) in April and May, with some hoping for continued growth in the 2nd half of the year. China’s new development initiatives for its Western regions are not succeeding in attracting inward FDI (IFDI) for both business and political reasons. The China Securities Regulatory Commission will look to allow big Chinese commercial banks into investment banking so they can help China fend off the growing challenge from foreign investment banking firms. The United States (US) Pentagon has submitted a list of 20 Chinese companies with ties to China’s military that operate “‘directly or indirectly’” in the US. The Indian government bans almost 5 dozen mobile apps. India’s state government of Maharashtra freezes investment proposals from three Chinese businesses. Japan adds select medical fields to the list of areas requiring special FDI reviews. Japan moves to allocate funds to domestic firms so they have a greater chance to participate in the 5G wireless technology race. Japan’s Kirin Holding will commission an audit of its Burmese joint venture (JV) partner over allegations its JV channels funds to Myanmar’s military. Japan is contemplating Indonesian proposals that Japan participate in its Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail which is delayed and overbudget. The Korean Communication Commission announces that Google will revise select YouTube subscription practices following a large fine and negative ruling. South Korea outward FDI, which favors North America, plunged dramatically in March. Potential for Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction to start its Indonesian Jawa Thermal Power Plant Construction Project increases after project based second feasibility study. US Presidential election increases pressure on Korean carmakers and tiremakers to invest more in the US.

Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard's picture

Casting after Covid-19 or Premature Predictions about COFDI’s Demise

Last month, I wrote pessimistically about the prospects for foreign direct investment (FDI) in China in the post-coronavirus world. Contrastingly, I am not so pessimistic about the future of Chinese outward FDI (OFDI), though China’s economic situation, the challenged cash flows and balance sheets of Chinese investors (state-owned and private), and China’s ever present worries about capital flight will constrain OFDI amounts. This seemingly pollyannaish view derives from home (China) and host (recipient) country factors shaping Chinese OFDI (COFDI).

MNCs in the News-2020-02-07

China’s Ministry of Commerce pushes Chinese Chambers of Commerce to provide force majeure certificates to Chinese firms struggling to meet their contractual obligations due to disruptions caused by the coronavirus crisis. Wuhan Institute of Virology move to apply for a patent to use United States (US) firm Gilead’s remdesivir to treat pneumonia like symptoms raises intellectual property issues. Huawei’s Chief Representative to European Union (EU) institutions says the firm will build 5G manufacturing bases in Europe. US Attorney General Bill Barr advocates US and its allies taking controlling stakes in Nokia, Ericsson, or both to fend off Huawei 5G challenge. Japan’s Ministry of Defense reveals two new Japanese defense-related companies that suffered cyberattacks, without stating if classified information was leaked. Japanese company plans to cope with Brexit subject to change depending upon trade negotiations between the United Kingdom (UK) and the EU. Japan files petition with the World Trade Organization to challenge planned merger between Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering. Panama re-awards Metro Line 3 to Korean consortium, rejecting challenges from Chinese firms and a consortium with a Chinese company.

MNCs in the News-2019-06-28

President Donald Trump’s tough stance on intellectual property rights (IPR) violations seems to be driving China to treat foreign IPR more respectfully. At the Osaka G20 Summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping announces several measures China will undertake to open its market further to foreign direct investment (FDI) and improve IPR protection. This past week witnessed the creation of the Belt and Road Economic Information Partnership (BREIP). Two major BRI projects in Africa end. At the Osaka G20 summit, participating countries embrace Japan’s international principles for quality infrastructure. Japan tells two leading candidates for the British Prime Ministership it does not want a “no deal Brexit.” As part of its downstream growth and diversification strategy, Saudi Aramco and its affiliates have signed a dozen accords with South Korean companies covering sectors areas like shipbuilding, engine manufacturing, and petrochemicals. A consortium involving Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KNHP) and KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering (KPS) signs a five-year maintenance service deal for the Barakah nuclear power plant, but fails to garner responsibilities for maintenance services, nuclear scientists, and engineers.

MNCs in the News-2019-06-21

China Premier Li Keqiang works to lure foreign direct investment (FDI) during the Global CEO Council in Beijing. In 2018, the deal value of European mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in China soared by 856 percent to USD $9.94 billion. European Union (EU)-China talks on a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment and China’s negative list show better progress than expected. Brazilian Vice President welcomes Chinese FDI in infrastructure as long as it creates jobs and respects Brazilian rules. Around the time of the G-20, French President Emmanuel Macron will discuss issues about the Renault-Nissan alliance with Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo. Numerous Japanese corporate subsidiaries in the United States have voiced opposition to Donald Trump’s proposal to slap tariffs of 25 percent on another $300 billion of Chinese products. Tokyo has requested Seoul to establish an arbitration panel consisting of representatives selected by other countries to help deal with their wartime forced labor compensation dispute. Seoul prepared to block a deal that would sell Taihan Electric Wire to a Chinese company because it deems Taihan’s high-voltage cable technologies a “‘national core technology.’”

MNCs in the News-2019-05-10

The ongoing China-United States (US) trade war coupled with other economic and political factors drives more firms to consider other locations besides China. China moves to take more steps to protect intellectual property (IP), partly to assuage the concerns of foreign investors. China poured record amounts of investment into US start-ups last year despite Sino-American tensions, but there are dark clouds on the horizon especially in regard to investment screening. Security and other concerns lead US Federal Communications Commission hangs up on China Mobile’s effort to operate and offer service in the US. Not a single European country has joined Washington’s call to boycott China’s Huawei. Japanese banks move to improve their anti-money laundering and terrorist financing practices so as to increase chances of good Financial Action Task Force review. Japanese foreign direct investment in the US surges for political and economic reasons, with some “red states” seemingly benefiting from the former. Seoul police investigate if BMW Korea’s Chairman covered up automobile defects. Lotte Chemical launches USD $3.1 billion ethylene cracker complex in Louisiana with strong political support from Korea and the US.

MNCs in the News-2019-04-26

United States (US) Trade Representative (USTR) criticizes China’s intellectual property (IP) protections and calls for stronger IP safeguards. China pledges the journey along its Belt and Road (BRI) will only get better. Survey shows new European Union (EU) foreign direct investment (FDI) screening laws make Chinese companies feel the EU is discriminating against them. United Kingdom (UK) reportedly dials into China’s Huawei participating in its 5G network activities. Eager to keep Italy from moving too close to Beijing, Japan calls for deeper economic (and military) cooperation during top leader summit. Korea charged up about lack of level playing field relating to electric vehicle subsidies. Korean petrochemical firms will be hit by the upcoming end to the US policy of granting waivers to countries importing Iranian crude oil.

MNCs in the News-2019-03-08

China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) to consider new draft law on foreign direct investment (FDI) that seeks to provide stronger legal guarantees to overseas investors. About 1/3rd of North American-based corporations on the CNBC Global CFO Council say Chinese companies have stolen their intellectual property (IP) at some point in the past ten years. Mirroring global trends, Chinese FDI in Europe fell drastically in 2018 and a recent survey suggests the European Union (EU)’s new investment screening framework likely will curb Chinese EU mergers and acquisitions even more. Italian economic development ministry official announces Italy is planning to join China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Faced with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.’s refusal to negotiate, South Korean plaintiffs who won a wartime forced labor case against the company file court request to seize the company’s assets. Toyota Motor Corp. announced last week it may pull out of production in Britain due to the likely increase of tariffs in the case of a no-deal Brexit. Hyundai Motor is considering suspending operations at its Beijing manufacturing plant partly due to plummeting sales and partly due to budding opportunities elsewhere. South Korea’s Ministry of Economy and Finance reports Korea’s OFDI reached a record high in 2018 partly due to Korean companies going abroad to enjoy a better manufacturing environment.

MNCs in the News-2019-03-01

China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) announces China will keep improving the legal and market environments for foreign investors. United States (US) President Donald Trump recently announced the US has made substantial progress in talks with Beijing on improving its IP protection. American Chamber of Commerce in China survey indicates some positive views about China’s progress in protecting intellectual property rights (IPR), though concerns about profitability and the future are rising. Following the European Parliament’s approval of a mechanism to control foreign investment in strategic sectors, Chinese official calls upon the EU to adopt an open and inclusive attitude towards foreign companies. Per JETRO survey, Japanese parts suppliers in China hit worse by US-China trade frictions than other Japanese firms there. British business secretary will travel to Japan to ask Honda Motors to reconsider its recent decision to shut down Swindon car plant. Abu Dhabi National Oil Company awards South Korea Engineering and Construction contract for USD $1.2 billion underground oil project. South Korea’s Financial Supervisory Service will tighten monitoring of foreign firms’ unfair trading practices.

Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard's picture

Charged up about the Political Meaning of Tesla in China: Time to Apply the Brakes?

In 2017, it was revealed American electric vehicle (EV) maker Tesla had concluded an agreement with Shanghai to build a manufacturing complex in Shanghai that, per Tesla CEO Elon Musk, will be extremely advanced and produce cars customized for the China market.
