
MNCs in the News-2019-06-07

China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) reports United States (US) tariffs on Chinese goods have not significantly affected the country’s flows of inward foreign direct investment (FDI). MOFCOM announces China will blacklist “unreliable” foreign businesses which violate market rules, take discriminatory measures hurting Chinese business rights and interests, or threaten China’s national security. China’s plan to build a $1.9 billion light-railway system in Kazakhstan has stalled as China Development Bank cuts off funding due to possible corruption problems. China keeps open non-money-making Vietnam-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Park (VCEP) because of VCEP’s contribution to better image of Chinese FDI. Japanese and other multinational corporations call for more standardized and clearer rules and greater freedom for data transfer and storage. Airbnb experiences revival in Japan after new regulations caused tens of thousands of listers to check-out. Recent arrests of several Samsung Electronics senior executives for an alleged accounting fraud may distract Samsung from taking advantage of the woes of major competitor Huawei. In light of its recent retreat from overseas ventures, Korea National Oil Corp.’s announcement it planned to invest roughly USD $253 million in the UAE in an oil development project has caused controversy.

MNCs in the News-2018-06-22

China to release two enhanced negative list for inward foreign direct investment (FDI) in July. Australia keeps hanging up on Huawei despite the latter’s efforts to gain new business opportunities. British officials seem reluctant to let a Chinese-owned British firm’s deal for a small airplanes part maker take off. Warming political relations between China and India provide a fertile environment for the growth of Chinese outward FDI (OFDI) in Indian start-ups. Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association stresses Japanese carmakers’ investment contribution to the US in move to undermine criticism from President Donald Trump. Japan’s financial regulator tells Japanese banks to report suspicious money transfers involving ten Japan-North Korea joint ventures. Chinese government to give LG Display approval to launch USD $6.7 billion OLED plant in Guangzhou, though partnerships with Chinese competitors may be required. SK Engineering & Construction signs letter of intent with Manila on USD $2 billion investment plan for environmentally friendly coal-fired power plants. Mahathir says Malaysia could extend new tax incentives for foreign investment in areas such as technology and research and development. Malaysia seeks to recoup USD $4.5 billion of funding that was potentially lost through 1MDB corruption scandal

MNCs in the News-2018-05-04

China’s financial sector opening seems to be bearing fruit in terms of catalyzing applications by foreign firms to enter the China market. China’s liberalization of its aircraft sector giving flight to new opportunities for foreign companies in the aviation industry. In partnership with Irish development authorities, Chinese pharmaceutical firm makes major greenfield investment in Ireland. Chinese accountancy expands in the United Kingdom (UK) to service growing China-UK investment and trade. Hitachi considering Taiwan plant as Asian hub after winning bid for Taiwan Power offshore wind turbines project. Japanese traders competing to expand poultry businesses by importing from abroad after Japanese ministry sanctioned the import of Turkish chicken. Korean battery manufacturers such ramping up investment in China in preparation for the end of Beijing’s electric vehicle subsidy. Following historic summit between the two Koreas began plans for joint development projects and South Korean investment into the North. Arkema and CJ CheilJedang to invest over USD $300 million in Malaysian Kerteh Biopolymer Park as Malaysian, French and Korean authorities jointly promote facility.

MNCs in the News-2017-10-27

Shanghai Customs touts 18,000 firms registered in Shanghai Free Trade Zone (SFTZ) since its creation in 2013. State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission head stresses that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) will play a “leading role” going forward. Toyota claims reduced investment and production at Trump targeted planned Mexican plant not due to politics. Toyota calls for more clarity regarding Brexit plans before deciding to finalize its planned plant in Britain. South Korea’s minister of trade met with Saudi Arabian counterpart to discuss Korea’s planned bid for two nuclear reactors. Korea Development Bank planning to sell stake in Daewoo Engineering and Construction, prompting bids from various notable firms. Airbus planning on partnering with Indonesian state-owned aerospace company Dirgantara Indonesia to build maintenance facility in Indonesia. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper requests legal certainty for Indonesian investment regarding environmental regulations. Thai Airways International granted permission by the government to enter into joint investment project with Airbus. Thailand’s National Council for Peace and Order approves guidelines for land development in the country’s EEC. Belt and Road Property Development Forum 2018 to draw USD $1.5 billion investments from Malaysia to China. Malaysian minister says no investment deal was finalized during Malaysian government delegation visit to the US. Korean companies shifting investment away from China’s politically difficult market into Vietnam. Southern Vietnam province continues to attract Japanese investment as local People’s Committee aims to ease business concerns.

MNCs in the News-2017-04-07

China’s State Council creates seven new free trade zones bringing the total number in the country to 11. China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) pushes foreign businesses to support its efforts to limit capital outflows from China. Prior to Donald Trump-Xi Jinping meeting, Chinese parliamentarian links the quality of the meeting to Google’s prospects for entering China. European Union regulators approve China National Chemical Corporations (ChemChina)’s massive acquisition of Syngenta while requiring some significant divestitures. Trump administration considers some dramatic steps to keep Westinghouse’s nuclear business out of Chinese hands. Sibanye Gold Ltd.’s proposed investment in Stillwater mining may not be golden because of American concerns over strategic materials access. Iran-Japan Investment Treaty enters into force on April 26 and may spur Japanese energy investment in Iran. Japanese foreign acquisitions hit a new record of almost USD $100 billion in fiscal year 2016, but performance is dubious. South Korea’s installation of the THAAD system continues to affect adversely Sino-Korean economic relations and Korean businesses. The fallout between China and South Korea over THAAD contributes to South Korean car manufacturers reducing production in their Chinese factories. Consortium of Chinese and Indonesian companies signs contract launching the construction phase of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train project. Afghan President Ghani encourages Indonesian investors to invest in Afghanistan and stresses the security of foreign investors as a top government priority. Tier-one American aerospace manufacturer may invest in Malaysia stimulating business for small and medium enterprises and creating high-income jobs. India and Malaysia sign investment deals with a value of USD $36 billion. Belgium plans to ramp up green energy investment in Vietnam.

MNCs in the News-2015-09-25

China announces plan to take its “Negative List” nationwide by 2018. Top Chinese leaders stress China’s continuing interest in attracting foreign direct investment. Analysts see Chinese President Xi Jinping’s meetings with hard-pressed American tech executives as a ploy to fend off US commercial espionage sanctions. Cisco moves to strike partnership with Chinese server maker Inspur in order to regain lost ground in China. Microsoft strikes partnerships with politically connected Chinese firms to bolster its business opportunities in China. Boeing strikes multi-billion dollar deal with Chinese firms and will build 737 completion center in China. US Chamber of Commerce executive expresses discontent with China’s new offer regarding a bilateral investment treaty (BIT). Chinese premier Li Keqiang encourages great outward investment and activity by Chinese SOEs. British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne pushes greater Chinese nuclear investment in the U.K. China and France agree to set up joint investment fund to target third countries. Korean government will probe whether Volkswagen and Audi cars sold in Korea have software that manipulates emissions data. Indonesia continues to strike investment and financial deals with China despite cancellation of high-speed rail plan. Indonesian government plans to give investors more opportunities in downstream energy sector. Foreign firms struggle with Indonesia’s ban on export of raw mineral ores. Thailand moves to address demands of Japanese SMEs.