“Trump 2.0 and Japanese Firms”

In this Op-Ed, the Executive Director of the Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Wong Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations (Wong MNC Center) Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard and Ambassador (Ret.) C. Lawrence Greenwood discuss the implications of the Donald Trump administration for Japanese companies after considering President Trump’s rhetoric and prior policies as well as the stances of his team. They believe the new administration’s preference for tariffs, its almost uniformly hostile views of China, its apparent dislike of corporate subsidies, its disdain for electrification policies, and desire to see a greater opening of the Japanese market will place heavy pressure on Japanese firms. They call for Japanese companies not just to boost foreign direct investment (FDI) but to be selective in their sectoral choices, to rejigger their FDI abroad, and to be cautious about cooperating with and FDI in China. They further emphasize the urgency of Japanese businesses boosting their government and public relations work. They stress that mere adjustment is not enough: Japanese companies must move rapidly to adapt to the new environment.
Jean-Marc F. Blanchard and C. Lawrence Greenwood, “Trump 2.0 and Japanese Firms: Assault, Acclimation, and Adaptation,” The Diplomat, January 8, 2025 is available at https://thediplomat.com/2025/01/trump-2-0-and-japanese-firms-assault-acc.... This Op-Ed was reprinted in The Japan Times on January 13, 2025 as “Trump 2.0 Presents New Challenges for Japanese Companies,” https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2025/01/13/japan/trump-20-and-ja....