Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Wong Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations Orchestrates Successful Workshop on Chinese Overseas Ports in Africa and the Middle East

In early July 2024, the Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Wong Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations (Wong MNC Center) orchestrated a 1-1/2 day workshop on Chinese overseas ports in Africa and the Middle East. This workshop, organized, hosted, and sponsored by the Wong MNC Center, brought together academics, analysts, and researchers from universities, government research institutions, and independent think tanks in China, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Tanzania, the United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States to discuss China’s involvement in ports in these aforementioned two regions. Participants delved into what was happening, what were the effects of what has been transpiring, and the factors shaping what had occurred and the effects that had flowed from port developments. Attendees made clear that host/participant countries often initiated port projects, that there was substantial variation in progress and effects, and that domestic politics and third parties critically shaped the progress of Chinese involved ports and their ramifications. This workshop represented the third in a three-part series that already has yielded two acclaimed books: one entitled Chinese overseas ports in Europe and the Americas (Routledge 2024; and the other called Chinese overseas ports in Southeast and South Asia (Routledge 2025;