Executive Director Jean-Marc F. Blanchard interviewed for TI Observer article about US-China Economic Relations

Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard, Founding Executive Director of the Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Wong Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations, was interviewed for a Taihe Institute TI Observer article about China-United States (US) economic relations with a focus on foreign direct investment (FDI). Dr. Blanchard shared his insights about various issues—e.g., the quest for supply chain resiliency, the opening up of various sectors like the financial services industry, improvements in China’s intellectual property rights (IPR) regime, and the US desire for more manufacturing to be done within its territorial confines—that are influencing bilateral economic ties in areas like FDI. He further gave opinions about what might be needed for China and the US to cooperate under the auspices of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Dr. Blanchard concluded the interview with some thoughts about the likelihood that the China-US economic relationship could return to the status quo.
The full story appears in “Can China and the U.S. Return to Status Quo Ante in Economic Relations” TI Observer, Vol. 7 (2021), http://www.taiheinstitute.org/UpLoadFile/files/2021/4/29/1755426929bc339..., pp. 6-10. Copyright remains with the original holder.