FT Investment Management Summit: Asia (Hong Kong)

Event Date: 
Thursday, June 16, 2016 - 9:00am

This year’s FT Investment Management Summit: Asia 2015 (FTIMS-Asia) theme is “Redefining Investment Strategies for Volatile Global Markets.” At the summit, leading asset owners will share insights on how they plan to approach investment over the upcoming next 12 months to deal with major risks such as global market volatility, China’s “new normal,” plunging commodity prices, and monetary policy variability. They will offer insights about how to approach the China market, controlling fixed income and equity risks, and opportunities available in alternative asset classes. Likely FTIMS-Asia participants include CEOs, CIOs, and senior investment managers. For more information, please visit: https://live.ft.com/Events/2016/FT-Investment-Management-Summit-Asia?ref...

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